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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Submarine Cable Map - See where all the world's submarine cables are laid.
Sudoku slam - Online sudoku puzzle generator/solver
Sugar Sugar 3 - Includes a new sugar portalling element
Suika - Pointless fruit-stacking game
Sulphur Hexafluoride - Balloon floats on invisible gas
Sumerian insults - Genuine ancient Sumerian insults, from 2100 BCE
Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Delux 3 - says it all........
Super Marimba - Super Mario Bros theme, on marimba
Super Press Space to Win - " " (space)
Super Santa Kicker 2 - Kick Santa so he lands in the chimney. Collect sacks of goodies on the way. Ho ho ho!
Super Stacker 2 - Pile 'em up high
Superbad - Just weird
SuperMario Loops - All SuperMario sounds mixed together and looped, for hours...
Swerve - Tap/click to swerve. Keep a bucket handy.
Swing by 3D - More mindless interactivity from the Proceeo Lab
Synesthesia (in space) - You are a robot eye or something. Cool puzzle platform game
Taco spin - A taco that spins.
Take 5 Variations - Dave Brubeck's Take 5 - with bits missing. Take 1 is amazing.
Take me back - Find out what the world was like on any given date
Taking the Hobbits... - They're taking the hobbits to Isengard
Tales of Dorime - Ameno's rescue. Platform game - only one level but fun anyway
Talking animals - Gooooaaaaalll!!!!
Talking backwards - As if it wasn't difficult enough...
Talking to myself - A video interview, with a 20-year time-lag
Tangaroa Deep - Pilot a submersible to the Pacific depths. If you dare.
Tanks - Get them before they get you
Tartans - Official tartans for... nearly everthing
Tau - Tau, twice pi - the first 100,000 digits. Print and keep this handy reference, in case you ever forget a digit.
Teach me to fly - Teach a wingsuited penguin to fly through buildings
Tearable puns - Ripping good jokes
Teenage Instructional Video#1 - How to change a toilet roll.
Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Telescope game - Grandmaster levels? I don't think so!
Telescopic Text - I made tea. Click to telescope,
Temmie Translator - dis an english tu tEMMIE translator
Ten hours ago - What time was it 10 hours ago?
Ten ten - Ever noticed the time in watch ads?
Ten Walruses of Zen - The human condition, as revealed by walruses (and various other aquatic mammals).
Ten years ago - What was the internet doing ten years ago?
Terms and conditions - Always say no. Except when you need to say yes. Or something else entirely...
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