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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Shoelace Site - Everything you wanted to know about....
Shopping Cart Hero - Love it
Short funny - Clean jokes
Short Life - A gruesome and gory platform game. You've been warned!
Short RPG - Role-playing game for those in a hurry.
Short Trip - Beautiful hand-drawn animated tram ride. Just hold left or right to move.
Shrek's Day Out - Shrek has an eventful day
Shrimp Glockenspiel - Crab bongos, crabby crab bongos...
Shtuff - Shtuff and nonsense
Shuffling Cards - How many ways can 52 cards be shuffled?
SI Unit prefix song - Tera Giga Mega... sing along!
Sidewalk Sidestep - Can you walk down the street without colliding with other people?
silent conversation - Play a game, read a story at the same time
Silk - Draw floaty psychedelic patterns.
Simon's Cat - Catnap
Simon's cat - Simon's cat, in Double Trouble
Simple maths - Can you do simple maths under pressure?
Simply Noise - Auditory zen - love it (try the oscillating button)
Sinuous - Avoid the red dots...
Sistine Chapel - Click and drag, it's almost as if you were there. But where's Wally?
Sisyphean Funtime - Move the sand from one side to the other to win points!
Sitting and Smiling - Benjamin Bennett sits and smiles for 4 hours at a time.
Size of Space - Just how big is space?
Sketch Swap - Draw one to get one
Skiing trombonist - Would Wagner approve? Part 2 is here
Skull Tumpet - 20th Century Tumpet
Slap Kirk - Slappin' the cap'n and spankin' Spock
Sleep Calculator - If I go to sleep now, when should I wa... Z-Z-z-z-z-z-z
Sleepy time - the science of when to go to bed and feel great in the morning :o)
Sleeve face - Illusions with strategically placed album covers
Slightly annoying traffic - Click a car to start or stop. Avoid crashes. Sounds simple enough.
Slime - Slime soccer world cup
Slime Laboratory 2 - You are a blob of green slime with googly eyes.
Slinky Machine - Building a slinky escalator - Snakey version of
Slow Empty - Click for a new triangle. Strangely hypnotic.
Slow Motion TV - How a TV works - in slow motion
Slow roads - Endless driving
Small Worlds game - The ultimate "Low rez" game.... pixels the size of floor tiles...
Smash the walls - Keep on smashing those walls
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