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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Say what you see - Guess what prompt was used for the AI to generate an image.
Scalak - A nice 3D puzzle game.
Scale sequencer - Musical matrix. Unleash your inner Steve Reich.
scale_of_the_universe_2012 - Getting things in proportion...
Scanwiches - pictures of sandwiches
Scary maze game - Do not play if you are easily scared, or have a heart condition!
Scary spider - Drag the spider. Double click to feed it insects.
Scottish Dance of the Day - A themed Scottish country dance for (almost) every day of the year
Scream into the void - Let it all out now.
Screwdrivers - The History of the Humble Screwdriver
Scrolling Timewaster - Scrolling Text Time WasterScrolling Text Time WasterScrolling Text Time Waster
SculptGL - Virtual clay
Seagulls - Seagulls! (Stop it now)
Seaquence - Make sea creatures make music
Secret Santa - How to do Secret Santa properly
Secret Technology - Infinitely zoomable mosaic
See hear party - Pick a topic, pick a song, and... party!
Seedship - You are an artificial intelligence trying to find humanity’s new home.
Self control freak... - what now.... (loads now added :o))
Sell! Sell! Sell! - Scroll down for some scary capitalism statistics
Semantle - Guess the word, except it could be literally any word.
Semantris - A Google game - tetris with meaning
Senses challenge - Tricks on the brain - slightly interesting...
Seven Billion - 7 billion people on 1 page
Seven Eleven - Playing a 7/11 polyrhythm inside a 7-Eleven on July 11th at 7:11 for 7 minutes and 11 seconds
Seventh Sanctum - Huge generation resource for item names, descriptions and short stories - some may even be useful?
Shakespeare Insults - All the Shakespearean insults thou couldst want for, thou frothy clay-brained clack-dish.
Shakespearean insulter - "[Thou art] a pipe for Fortune's finger to sound what stop she please"
Shameless bragging - ...Yee Haa - Britains most boring calendar
Shanghai Tower - Climbing the world's 2nd highest building. This is hard to watch!
Shape reaction - Click to create a pointless chain reaction
Shape shifter - You are a mouse. Now you are a rabbit. Now you are an... elephanty... thing.
Shapes Mania - Spiro Art
Share this page - So many new and exciting ways to share!
Shark cat - Shark-cat chases a chick
Shark game - You are a shark in a strange blue sea.
Shave me - Shave off the beard. Then do it again, and again...
Sheep Films - Sheep Films GIF compilation
Sheep films - A collection of short films
Sheep tranquilizer - We rated "Bobbing bobcat" !
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