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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Rat Maze - ...
RaToNaGe - Random Town Name Generator
Rave DJ - Create mashups of Youtube videos - e.g. Fox Style Mv by Psy and Ylvis
Reaction Coach - Reaction Coach reacts to Reaction Coach
Read Only Memories - Daft Punk remixer
Real human - Are you a real human bean?
Record Tripping - needs a mouse wheel...
Record Tripping - Alice in Wonderland plus DJ scratching. Odd.
Red Ball Adventure - Go, red ball, go!
Red dot - This is not that dot. Or maybe it is.
Red Remover - Quirky game - best with the sound off
Redactle - Reveal wikipedia articles by guessing the redacted words and numbers. New article each day.
Relentless Doppelganger - A constant stream of AI-generated death metal.
Remember anything - How to remember anything, using a shoebox.
Remoji - Just move the mouse
Reptilians - The truth is out there (but maybe not on this page.)
Republique des mangues - Mango
Re-use this calendar - Don't throw it out that old calendar!
Rhymezone - Rhyming dictionary website, all right? Possibly not pointless, actually, factually.
Rick Astley Remixer - Mix your own Tex-metal Ballad-hop version
Riddlewot - Solve pointless riddles
Rigged coin flip - Heads I win, tails you lose...
Right now - What time is it?
Rings 4x4 - A ring-stacking puzzle game
RIP - Cyriak has some fun with skeletons
Road Bike Party 2 - Don't try this at home
Robo-boogie - Make your robot dance
Robot Jobs - Will robots take your job?
Robot swagger - Because sometimes a robot just wants to strut
Robots are People Too - 2-player browser game. Or one ambidextrous player.
Rock cake - Baking with gravel
Rock Paper Scissors Extreme - Versions RPS 7 to RPS 25
Rockbasher - Dig tunnels - but don't get crushed by falling rocks!
Rock-Paper-Scissors - Does it cheat?
ROFL-Copter - "Right into the danger zone" A game of typewriter text!
Rogue - Rogue - the original rogue-like game
ROLLOVER App - It's what we've been up to here at Pointless Towers for the last 18 months - Rollover is quirky and for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad :o)
Rooftop snipers - Jump and shoot. Avoid falling off the roof.
Room Escape Maker - Make your own escape room, or play other people's rooms
Roomba quest - Use the arrow keys to help Roomba gain enlightenment
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