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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order... - The oldest pointless site on the site
Paintball the game - A pointless waste of 68 minutes - can you waste less time completing it??
Paku Paku - 1-dimensional Pacman. Hit a key to change direction.
Paleblue News - Turn the globe to see news from around the world
Paper - Keep folding the paper
Paper clips - Who knew there were so many different types of paper clip?
Paper Plane Builder - Customize, download and fold your own custom paper plane
Paper Pong - A pong game, in a book. Click the picture and turn to page 1.
Paper roll - unravel....
Paper snowflake - Make a paper snowflake in your browser
paper wars - Stickman animation
Paperclips - Build your own paperclip empire
Parallel Parking - How to park
Parking in style - Park your car without destroying it
Parry Gripp - Quirky songs and videos (from the guy who made Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway)
Party Parrot - Cult of the party parrot
Pass the Pigs - How to Win at "Pass the Pigs" - a statistical analysis of your chances of throwing a Leaning Jowler
Passwords - humm - maybe now I will change my "123456" password - Ha!
patatap - Synaesthesia simulator. (Occasional flashing images)
Pathetic motorways - Some people have too much time on their hands.
Paths game - pointless pathways....
Patience - Patience is a virtue. Worth the wait :-)
Pattern memory - Remember the squares, then click them. Gets pretty tricky!
Pause ahead - Interesting platform game
Peacock spider - Groovy spider throws some shapes.
Pebble Jame - Drop pebbles onto matching colours
Pective - The actual size of stuff....
Penguins - Just... penguins
Penny towers - hundreds of pictures of pennies....
Pentris - Like Tetris, but more so
People in Space - How many people are in space right now?
Perfect circle - Can you draw a perfect circle?
Perfect fit - Things that fit perfectly into other things
Periodicity - Hypnotic whirlpool of colours
Perpetual pizza - What happens if you ask for pizza topping on your pizza?
Petra Cortright - Weirdness abounds
Phobia List - A to Z facts on phobias
Phrontistery - A collection of over 17,000 rare or obscure words.
Physics Lab - Loads of interactive physics/mechanics demonstrations - try the roller coasters
Pi sung - The digits of Pi.... sung....
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