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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Launchball - Science-based game, make machines to solve puzzles
Lava lamp - Lava lamp simulation. Change colours, drag the goo around. Groovy!
Lazy Fly - Addictive game - simply help the fly get back to bed
Le Confinement - What one French guy got up to during lockdown
Le Duchamp - Pointless recreation of a pointless artwork
Leaf of the day - A new leaf daily.
Leafblog - Scans of leaves found on a daily walk
Learn to fly 2 - Sequel to Learn to fly. You are a penguin, learning to fly through the power of upgrades.
Lego drone - Making a Lego quadcopter
Let's play... - ...clickclickclick - no turbo. Don't miss part 2 here!
Let's settle this - What has the internet decided?
Let's/lets - Let's get this right
Letterle - Like Wordle, but just one letter. Must be 5x easier, no?
Levitated - A collection of weird and wonderful things to see and do.
License plates - All the license plate styles from the U.S.A, Canada, and Mexico, from 1969 to the present.
Licking cats - Omnomnomiaow
Life anti-checklist - Tick off all those things you wish you hadn't done
Life checklist - A checklist for life
Life in Life - Conway's game of Life, created using Conway's game of Life
Light people - Nonsense "alternating fireball and growing tree game"
Lightbulb jokes - All the lightbulb jokes you're ever likely to need.
Lightning map - Real-time lightning maps
Like Like - The online museum of multiplayer art
Lines - An interesting five-in-a-row game
Ling Your Language - Work out which language you are hearing.
Liquid Nonsense - Random pieces of meaningless advice.
Liquid science - Science tricks with liquids
List of Colors - Olive Drab....
List of numbers - A list of numbers (incomplete)
List of Unicodes - Useless unless you need a "Heavy teardrop-shanked rightward arrow"
Little Alchemy 2 - Combine things and create new stuff
Little people - Wonderful pointless point and click scene with lots of little people....
Little Red Riding Hood - Re-interpreted fairy tale
Little Runmo - A nice platform game
littlealchemy - Drag element icons onto the page, combine to form 360 new elements
Llama song - Yvette loved it so much she learnt all the lyrics!
Lobster sticks to magnet - every schoolboy knows.
Lol cats - Hundreds of pointless cat pictures...
London Pigeons - Some surprising facts about pigeons.
Long Doge Challenge - How wow can you gow?
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