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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Furby organ - A furby-powered electronic organ. Ahhhh.
Furry Friend - Online cat purr simulator - a customisable cat. Relax....
Future Me - Send an email to yourself... in the future!
GAG Quartet - 40 pointless memes in one song
Gallery of regrettable food - A collector's comments on old cookbook photos.
Gallifreyan translator - What's your name in Gallifreyan?
Game About Squares - Just push the squares onto the circles
Game Over - Classic arcade games, with a twist
Games for lizards - Bearded Dragon plays Ant Crusher
Games for the Brain - Keep your brain-cells working.
Gamespot 404 - A 404-page with a nice Rogue-like game
Gandalf - ....
Garbage cat - Truly pointless. You are cat trying to wake your owner.
Garfield minus Garfield - The comic strip with Garfield taken out.... (G-G)
Gazebo tutorial - Tutorial on how (not) to erect your garden gazebo.
Geek typer - Hack like a geek from the movies
Genetic cars - Car evolution experiment
Geo-FS - Flight Simulator using Google maps. Use number keys to control throttle.
Geography snap - Match the countries and flags, as fast as you can
GeoGuessr - Guess the location of a random image from Google maps.
Geo-Kitten - Can your choice of kitten reveal where you live?
Geometrize - Builds detailed pictures out of ellipses, circles, squares...
German animals - Know your wash-bear from your shield-toad
Gerrymandering - Redraw boundaries to influence elections
Get 1000 - Try to get 1000 - a bit like 1024
Get ready for the Pi day - Pointless excitement about a time and date in 2015
Get to Z - Fewer than 1% of players will ever get to Z
GibGen - A gibberish generator. It's crusty bitheet PEST Pizza.
Gif backgrounds - Click 'next' for a worse headache
Gif pronounciation - Gif! Jif! Gif! Jif! ...pass the popcorn...
Gilbert Uranium238 Atomic Energy Lab - It's exciting and safe!
Giraffes - High-diving giraffes.
GIRP - Exhausting climbing game. (click gives a boost)
Glass screen - Don't click....
Global Fishing Watch - Where are all the fish hanging out? And who's chasing them?
Glowing fluid - Real-time glowing liquid simulation. Drag your mouse around see all the pretty colors.
Glowy Earthquakes - 3D earthquake globe
Gnome pun intended - Bad gnome puns, with cartoons
Going to the moon - Going to the moon in a cardboard box
Going to the store - Rubbery computer generated madness
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