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A-Z of Pointless Websites

Looking for a pointless waste of time? This amusing list of pointless sites is the complete A to Z list of time wasters. "Waste of time" I hear you say... YES!, it is! A staggering and mammoth complete pointless waste of time - but amusing all the same. Amused? Start at the top - or try the top 10.
The complete list of pointless sites listed in alphabetical order...

Dullest Blog - .... quite old and dusty too
Dumb Dinosaur - ....
Dumb ways to die - Cute song, with a message...
e4494s - A collection of generators, simulations, and other arty timewasters
Eagle Ride - Ride the eagle and avoid hitting the trees! Turn the volume down first.
Earth clock - A clock created using satellite imagery.
Earth Reviews - Review everything on Earth to help improve the simulation.
Earth Temperature - How has Earth's temperature varied since the last ice age?
Earth timelapses - Stunning timelapse video shot by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst from the ISS
Earth wind map - Animated map of the world's winds and ocean currents. Click, drag, zoom - loads of options.
Earth-Moon Firepole - What if you could slide down a pole from the Moon to the Earth?
Earthquakes - Real-time map and earthquake information
Easter egg archive - A list of easter eggs
Eat Yogurt - Eating all flavors of yogurt so you don't have to
Echo - Pattern-based music-making and mixing game
Echoes - Pink Floyd's "Echoes" with an incredible A.I. generated video.
Eel slap - Just move the mouse. Does anyone have any sympathy for the eel?
Egg - "I love egg"
Egg Alone - It's... a rotating egg.
Eht Namuh - Most peculiar website
Elastic enthusiastic - Bounce
Elastic Face - Creepy, slightly gross, and pointless.
Eldrow - Wordle in reverse. Think of a word to stump the game!
Electric Hurdy Gurdy - Omen. Stick with it, it just keeps getting better...
Elements - Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium....
Elephant Quest - An elephant on a quest to retrieve his bowler hat
Elephants - How elephants were imagined by people who hadn't seen one
Elephants - Pavarotti loves elephants
Elevator Moods - Weird (and slightly eerie!) short movie clips filmed in elevators.
Elevator nyan - Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse
Emoji chicken adventure - A chicken simulator with emoji
Emojimix - Mix and match your own emojis
Empire strikes back - The Empire Strikes Back - crowdsourced version
Endless horse - A horse with ver-r-r-ry long legs
English - British vs American English
English Translator - Translate English to english
Enhance - Freeze.... enhance the detail... check the reflection
Entire world history - The history of the entire world
Entrances to Hell - Who knows where these doorways lead? Maybe best not to find out...
Epic Conway's Life - Cellular Automata with epic music.
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