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Pointless Animations

Pointless funny animations made by people with too much time on their hands. Comic animations that are funny, weird and suprising. Pointless creativity at its height...

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Cat gets a ride - on a trurtle.... (trurtle??)
Cat solves printer problem - llol (literally)
Chaotic pendulums - Two chaotic pendulums produce a tasty graph. Be patient...
Chicken monkey duck - Sing along!
Chicken Techno - ...
Chimpnology - Cyriak works his weird magic with some chimpanzees
Chow mein - he was dialling up his buddy at the old pet store.... animation
Christmas song - Animals sing
Chutney - A song about chutney, eventually.
Clive - the frog
Comment parrot - Do you rage online at people you don’t know? Then you need Comment Parrot.
Compost bin - He can compost almost anything in.....
Cool guys... - don't look at explosions
Corgiorgy - Fortunately the site is not what it claims to be.
Corndog - It's raining cats and corndogs. Without the cats.
Cows and cows and cows - by Cyriak
Crooked Rot - Creepy and scary stop-motion animation
Dabchick - Amazing puppetry. Dabchick takes a dive.
Dancing Lion - Because sometimes a lion just likes to dance.
Darth -
Day in the Life - A day in the life - a life simulator
DDDance party - Cool dancing! Click the circles at the top to control the dance moves.
Dog - A pointless dog video
Doing - Doing doing doing
Doll Face - A robot's search for a satisfactory face
Don't hug me 5 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, 5 - contains gory bits.
Don't hug me 6 - So that's what it was all about... ?
Don't hug me I'm scared - Disturbing animation. Part 2 is here.
Double King - A film about love and regicide. Some mild cartoon gore.
Doughnut Kitten - Miaomnomnomnom
Draco - More from the Potter Puppet Pals
Draw a stickman - Just draw a stickman....
Dumb Dinosaur - ....
Dumb ways to die - Cute song, with a message...
e4494s - A collection of generators, simulations, and other arty timewasters
Earth timelapses - Stunning timelapse video shot by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst from the ISS
Earth wind map - Animated map of the world's winds and ocean currents. Click, drag, zoom - loads of options.
Egg - "I love egg"
Egg Alone - It's... a rotating egg.
Electric Boogie Woogie - Animated version of Mondrian's 'Broadway Boogie Woogie'
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