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Pointless Animations

Pointless funny animations made by people with too much time on their hands. Comic animations that are funny, weird and suprising. Pointless creativity at its height...

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Doughnut Kitten - Miaomnomnomnom
Egg - "I love egg"
Short Trip - Beautiful hand-drawn animated tram ride. Just hold left or right to move.
Llama song - Yvette loved it so much she learnt all the lyrics!
Binary Clock - Display the time in binary (or hexadecimal, or smileys)... the ultimate geek clock site!
Magical Trevor - The original - an irritatingly catchy song
Japan - The History of Japan
Draw a stickman - Just draw a stickman....
Magical Trevor 3 - Magic with a Chinchilla - third in the series - funny animation
Magical Trevor 2 - Trevor does a new trick, with a new song...
Magical trevor 4 - Magical toe
Don't hug me I'm scared - Disturbing animation. Part 2 is here.
Ninja Cat comes closer without moving - I am bored
Animation vs Animator - Battle - "Unorthodox sites for open minded people" it says here....(by us)
Taking the Hobbits... - They're taking the hobbits to Isengard
Plasma Ball - A touch-sensitive plasma lamp simulator - lightning at your fingertips
All Your Base are belong to us - why be bored when you can listen to this...
mspaintadventures - This is just... peculiar.
Canvas Cycle - Beautiful 8-bit scenery
18 years ago - "In the virtual world we can actually fly into the virtual fish tank"
Woot - 8 bit dancing guy
Day in the Life - A day in the life - a life simulator
Space is fun - bloop
Don't hug me 5 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, 5 - contains gory bits.
Chicken Techno - ...
Mountain King - Line Rider, perfectly synchronised to Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King"
Anasomnia - by Ana Somnia. Don't turn out the light...
Animation vs Animator 2 - The sequel....
Blob opera - Ahhh eeeeh ooooh! Instant Verdi?
Simon's Cat - Catnap
Cat solves printer problem - llol (literally)
Chicken monkey duck - Sing along!
Fabricated - A stop-motion journey through an alien world which was once our own.
Angry Alien Bunny films - Movies condensed into 30 seconds and played by bunnies!
Dog - A pointless dog video
KokorokokoroKOKOROkokoROKO - Sing along! Kokoro kokoro KOKORO kokoROKOkoro KOKOroko KORO koko Kokoro-chan iu na
Bad people - Scraper detection link - If this link and text is anywhere other than on then this, and other Pointless Sites content, has been stolen by bad people....
Sawyer - The "Lost" Version of the Llama song - comic animation
Elements - Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium....
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