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Pointless Animations

Pointless funny animations made by people with too much time on their hands. Comic animations that are funny, weird and suprising. Pointless creativity at its height...

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Ascii Star Wars - Star Wars in ASCII
Smash the walls - How many walls can you smash?
Pollution - CO2 levels interpreted as music
Flying Frying - Behold, the flying fried egg.
Animated Drawings - Bring your own drawings to life
In The Past - Eveerything you see is in the past, apparently
Binary comes to life - 011010011
Chicken monkey duck - Sing along!
Breadfish - Have you seen it? It's marvellous!
Infinite Zoom - It just keeps on zooming
Iceberger - Draw an iceberg, see how it would float
The Bellies - Odd animation. Beware of the snails.
Windy TV - Watch world-wide weather
The Elephant's Garden - It's a very strange world
Muffin films - Animated films featuring muffins
Periodicity - Hypnotic whirlpool of colours
XR Dinosaurs - A virtual dinosaur park
Physics Lab - Loads of interactive physics/mechanics demonstrations - try the roller coasters
Double King - A film about love and regicide. Some mild cartoon gore.
Every last drop - A nice lesson about water, just scroll down.
Canvas Cycle - Beautiful 8-bit scenery
Fireflies - Fireflies, fireflies, how do they synchronise?
Perpetual pizza - What happens if you ask for pizza topping on your pizza?
patatap - Synaesthesia simulator. (Occasional flashing images)
Time travel - Time travel instructions via youtube
KokorokokoroKOKOROkokoROKO - Sing along! Kokoro kokoro KOKORO kokoROKOkoro KOKOroko KORO koko Kokoro-chan iu na
Printing Money - Where does all the money go?
The Dangers of Electricity - BAD advice from Weebl
Egg - "I love egg"
Star Wars Uncut: Director's Cut - Star wars, recreated in 15-second crowd-sourced chunks.
Wintergatan Linerider - Beautiful Linerider synchronisation
Sheep films - A collection of short films
Spaceship Day - A film script written by a computer.
Morbotron - Futurama quotes and meme-maker
Lobster sticks to magnet - every schoolboy knows.
Sorting algorithms - Fifteen animated sorting algorithms in six minutes.
Bad Cookie - Looped GIF of cookies/poptarts being made. What are cookies?
Frinkiac - Simpsons quote database, meme-maker
Trolley problem - Moral conundrums with gruesome outcomes
Doing - Doing doing doing
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